iFacialMocap Connect


  1. iPhone or iPad (※)
  2. iFacialMocap (iOS app)
  3. LuppetX
  4. Wi-Fi environment

※ You can only use an iPhone or iPad equipped with FaceID, such as iPhoneX or later.
(Please check the AppStore for compatible devices.)

1. Download iFacialMocap (iOS app)

Purchase and download iFacialMocap from the AppStore.

2. Launch iFacialMocap

You should see a screen like the one below.

Make sure your face is being tracked at this time.

3. Launch LuppetX

In [Face Tracking Settings], set the tracking mode to [iFacialMocap].

4. Allow the security warning.

This warning appears the first time you launch the app. Be sure to allow it.
(If you do not allow this, LuppetX will not be able to receive motion data sent from the iOS device.


If you accidentally disallow this, please see here and allow it again.

5. Connect LuppetX to iFacialMocap

Enter the IP address displayed at the top of the iFacialMocap app into the input field in LuppetX, and press the [Send Connection Request] button.


※ Your PC and iOS device must be connected to the same local network.
※ If the character leans back slightly after connecting, correct it using the [look forward] button in iFacialMocap.

This completes the integration of LuppetX and iFacialMocap.

Additional Information

When you have questions about the iFacialMocap app:
Please contact the creator of iFacialMocap.
If you have questions about the integration of iFacialMocap and LuppetX, please contact the Luppet Support Team.
When problems occur while using Perfect Sync
Please check here.
Special Thanks
We have received permission from the creator of iFacialMocap to integrate iFacialMocap with LuppetX. (Thank you!)